Internal Complaints Procedure

Our Complaints Policy

We're committed to providing a great service to all our customers. When something goes wrong, we want to know about it as we value the opportunity to improve our standards and our services for all customers.

How to make a complaint

Our Customer Support staff are on hand to listen to your concerns and to sort things out as quickly as possible. They can be contacted by:



1plus1 Loans Ltd
Yates Barn
Netherley Road
L35 1RG


0330 1200 313**.

Although we have eight weeks to consider your complaint according to the regulations, we’ll try to resolve your case as quickly as possible. If we have not resolved it within this time, you have the right to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge, within 6 months.

What will happen next?

We'll always try to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, however, sometimes due to the nature of the complaint, we may be unable to resolve your complaint there and then. In that instance, we’ll take it away and aim to sort things out as soon as we can, and we'll keep you updated throughout our investigation.

If we haven’t managed to resolve your complaint within 5 working days, we’ll contact you with an update and send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint within five days of receiving it, enclosing a copy of this procedure, and advising you of the name and position of the person who will investigate your complaint and the expected timescales for response.

In the unlikely event that our investigation takes longer than 4 weeks, we will write to you and explain why we are not yet able to respond to your complaint and when we will make further contact. Our aim is to resolve your complaint and send you a final response within 8 weeks, however, if after 8 weeks we are unable to provide our final response, we will write to you to explain the reason for the delay and to confirm when we expect to be able to provide our final response. At this time, we will also provide details of the Financial Ombudsman should you wish to contact them regarding your complaint.

What if I am not Happy with the Outcome of the Complaint?

We pride ourselves on delivering fair outcomes for our customers and are sorry if any customer is unhappy with the decision we have made.

If you remain unsatisfied with our response you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman is a free, independent service for resolving disputes between customers and financial services institutions.

Normally, you will need to bring a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service within six months of receiving a final written response from us about your complaint or within 6 years of the event about which you are complaining.

For further information, you can visit the FOS website or you can contact them via:

Telephone: 0800 023 4567



Financial Ombudsman Service 
Exchange Tower 
E14 9SR

Their leaflet "How to make a complaint" is also available online at:

Alternatively you have a right to seek resolution of your complaint through the Consumer Credit Trade Association CCTA conciliation procedure at or in writing at:

Consumer Credit Trade Association
Airedale House,
Aire Valley Business Park
Dowley Gap Lane
West Yorkshire
BD16 1WA

Last updated: 25th June 2024